Join our team

Find out why over 85,000 agents from around the world have chosen to join eXp.

We welcome you

eXp is the world's first cloud-based real estate brokerage service, bringing together more than 85,000 agents on our virtual platform, eXp World. Watch our video to learn more about our borderless business model.

Our business model

At eXp, agents are at the heart of our business. They become shareholders, establish their own brands, and have access to the cutting-edge technology, tools, and training they need to take control of their careers, financial freedom, lives, and future.

Why join eXp South Africa?

Overcome the hurdles with one of the ways to make a profit for your world's fastest growing real estate brokerage service and discover ways to build your business, grow it, and learn from the industry.


Agents can keep up to this percentage of their commissions.


Agents are offered this many training hours per week.

Real estate brokerage with a difference

From our competitive compensation packages and cloud-based business model to our community of 85,000 agents, eXp is a brokerage service that makes a difference.